Greek Maybe Time

Greek Maybe Time


I am convinced that every country believes they are the ones who are always late. The Slovakians called off a revolution for being late, the Spanish eat at 10 because they say they were never on time to an 8:00 dinner, and the Greeks are on Greek Maybe Time, or GMT. Seeing as I am a week late on this article, clearly I am still on Greek Maybe Time. 

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Old Greg

Old Greg


Sometimes I like to think about the first backpackers out there. What possessed them to strap a 50L sack to their back with most of their belongings and walk from city to city? Better yet, how the hell did they pack that sack filled with everything they needed?

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Eastern Euro-Trip pt. 3

Our Eastern Euro-Trip has finally come to an end. But don't worry, we made sure this last part was nothing short of wedging ourselves between time fissures in the caves of Budapest, seven towns in seven days throughout Romania, watching a street fight in Bulgaria, epic nights out in the ruins bars and of course... the hunt for Dracula! 

You can make your own assumptions about the mysterious disappearance of Vlad the Impalers body, but we certainly believe in Dracula and even went all the way to Bran, Romania just to see his castle. 

Just because the Eastern European adventure is coming to an end doesn't mean we are. Next stop is a sailboat through the Greek Isles, so be sure to tune in two weeks for another heart stopping, jaw dropping, earth shattering video. 



Mother's Day

Mother's Day


My first time to Europe I was in a constant search for a hamburger. I was nine years old and I didn’t seem to care about the different tapas of Spain, I wanted a hamburger and French fries. So my mother, patient as she is, let me order a hamburger in Granada, Spain at the end of our trip. Of course, because this is not a Spanish custom, I got food poisoning. 

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Eastern Euro-Trip pt. 2

From behind the Iron Curtain to the former countries of Yugoslavia we are on to the second part of our Eastern European adventure! There are endless differences between these two regions-- the culture, the public transportation, even the people. But, it is yet another adventure we are completely ready for! Sit back, relax, and enjoy the adventures of Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia. Remember: this is only part 2 of 3 and the final portion of our Eastern Euro-Trip is only 2 weeks away.

Eastern Euro-Trip pt. 1

Euro Trip was wrong about everything in Eastern Europe, but that doesn't stop us from having a bit of fun hiking some epic trails, biking through wineries, and seeing every single type of weather you could imagine, yes even snow in the sun! But just take a look for yourself... 

Memory Lane

Memory Lane

A whopping two years ago, almost to the day, I was wrapping up my semester abroad in Florence, Italy. Grab your tissues because ending up back here for five whole days was an actual dream come true. Something romantic, exciting, or even sad, happened on what feels like every corner of this city. But alas, I’ll spare you the sappy bits and go straight to how I’m never actually leaving Florence. 

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