Living with a cat in a camper

On the first of October I packed up my 1968 Winnebago, Trudy, and headed up to Asheville, North Carolina. I have a 10-month-old black Bombay kitten, so even though he’s not yet a year he’s still bigger than your average house cat. HIS name is Jonah. k///l

To let you get a feel for who Jonah is as a cat, I decided to leave all his typos that he makes when he walks across my computer. Jonah likes to bite my face, sit on my chest and paw me till I wake up, cuddle, and walk on my computer every time I try to type something. Needless to say he’s got a bit of a personality.


I did a lot of research on how he might react to the switch from a 3 bedroom house where he could roam freely to 19ft of space. I spent hours outside in the camper with him every week trying to prepare him for the move.

Now, everyone I talked to responded to my concerns with “He’s a cat, he’ll adjust” 545 but I wasn’t too sure. For the first few weeks he did great, he was getting to know the camper, was fine when I left for work, didn’t try and bolt out the door every time it opened.

After about a month I think he switched from fine with it to completely over it. He clawed a hole through my screen door, has poked numerous holes in the screens covering the window and is now sitting on my pillow licking his paw cause he is proud of the havoc he has wreaked on this camper.

He has rearranged all the rugs and has figured out how to turn the stove on so I have to keep it off all the time. He has developed;;lim,.gt41

this thing with his water where he needs to move his water bowl all over the camper leaving little puddles of water everywhere.

He likes to take the recycling out of my recycling bag and hide the little ones underneath the sink and every time I come through the door he gives me lots of love like he’s excited to see me but then tries to slip out the door. /////.//

I started taking him on walks outside but I think that made it a little worse, because now he thinks he can just go outside whenever he wants, but he’s not the manliest of cats, nor does he have the feminine qualities of a hunter, in fact, I’m pretty sure the dead things he brings me are already dead.

Anyway, I am a total cat person and I love Jonah with.jhslf all my heart but sometimes he is a real turd when it comes to personal space and living in 19ft.

Every day is a learning curve for both of us and I can only hope he still loves me. I have a small fear that he will never leave my side when we get back to a house, but regardless having Jonah in this camper has made this adventure that much more exciting. 7hb

During this article he turned the music on three times, closed out this page once, and I still think he’s super cute.