Sincerely, 2017
Dear Brittany,
You seem to be off to a pretty good start, but I must say, 2018 has some big shoes to fill.
I’m not sure if 2016 was just a huge suck fest or I was really just that great. From Trudy to a semi-real job, weddings, and lots of travel, all the way to saving some money, and of course not working on New Year’s Eve for the first time in I don’t know when— I think I will go with I was just that good.
I will say 2018 is already filled with exciting goals and plans.
Stop 1: Cuba, where I expect you to sing Camilla Cabello’s Havana at least 10 times an hour on that trip.
Stop 2: You get to celebrate your birthday, a rare occasion, in the Big Apple.
Stops 3,4, & 5: Iceland, Cochella (hopefully) and then back on the road with the Trudster.
Seriously, goal crushing, bucket list-ticking kinda year you have ahead of you.
But, although I was pretty kick ass, I have some wise words of wisdom to pass along to you and hopefully 2018 can write you a long and heart-felt letter congratulating you on taking 2017’s words to heart.
People seem to care a lot about what other people think— don’t. Life is too long to give a flying fuck about who follows who on Instagram. Watch peoples stories, even if you don’t like them, I promise, the world will not end.
Don’t try and let go of that fourth grade crush just yet, its fun and it takes too much energy to try to stop daydreaming. Besides, look at where daydreaming has gotten you so far.
On that note, screw anyone who tells you to try online dating. I have nothing against it but goodness, you go ONE YEAR without a boy in your life and suddenly you’re an old spinster. This isn’t the 18th century, and you don’t have to be married off for a dowry by 16.
Don’t listen to anyone who tells you you are drifting through life. People read this thing I call a blog and I am grateful for each and every one of them, and you will be too.
Remember, money is the only thing in life that is 100% replaceable. But, get a separate bank account because money will always be a sensitive subject.
As much as you think you do, you do not want to move. You have graduated from three boxes of clothes, a few pictures, and a comforter to a couch, a few pieces furniture and a 19 foot camper. Trust me, you’re good where you are.
And drama is overrated and honestly, you are really not good at it. When friends who are drowning in dramatic scenes only fit for a Jane Austin novel, you’ll be on a plane going somewhere cool not giving a shit about who started dating who and who broke up with who and who unfollowed who. I wasn’t involved in any I’m just giving you a heads up.
It may go by fast but it is going to be a long 365 days.
I’m not going to say this is your year because every year is your year.
You will have your battles, trust me.
Donald Trump will still be president (yes, I went there) and you will pray for his safety every night because Mike Pence will still be our Vice President (yeah, I also went there).
You will most likely book a trip for the wrong date.
You might not get a date.
You are going to feel like crying more than once.
And boys will not miraculously get smarter.
There are some people you will never get to read your blog (here’s hoping a few of them don’t start on this one).
And on top of all of this, I can guarantee it will be totally and 100% O.K.
You are probably going to roll your eyes at me when you read this because you can’t have alcohol or carbs for the first two weeks of your year, but that’s your fault for gaining 30 pounds.You had a lot of fun doing it though, if it makes you feel better. Have fun in those Levi cut off shorts from 2016, I hear they were a lot of fun.
People make fun of you when you say “Life is too long” but what kind of a pessimistic way of looking at things is “life is too short.” It’s a long year, go live it up.