The Florida Cactus Farm
I follow so many people on Instagram and I do not know and probably will never meet 75% of them. But I love all of their pictures beyond belief. They are always in the coolest places, doing fascinating things, with great style, and this overall finesse I attempt to recreate.
Although it might look like it, I’m not always on the road, although I wish I could be. No, sadly I have jobs and bills to pay so I can go far too long without stepping foot on an airplane which causes me to get antsy.
So sometimes I need a little adventure, sometimes I need to go out and find this unique places from one of my Instagram people and see it for myself. So I did.
A friend and I packed up the car and headed 30 minutes North of our little town to the Florida Cactus Farm. One of my friends from high school, Ali Fry, an amazing photographer if you haven’t already followed her, went here a while ago and I always wanted to go.
They gave us a basket and a map at the front office and sent us to explore the many green houses filled with plants.
I have the opposite of a green thumb. Which means, even though I have killed 3 cacti I still buy them and try again. From rows of thousands of succulents to a towering cactus taller than I am, this place was a gardener’s masterpiece.
We spent hours in here looking at all the different types of plants we never knew existed. And it was all just 10 miles away from my front door.
Don’t limit your travels to over the pond or an airplane ride away. Get out and see what brings people from around the world to your own area, then let me know about it because I want to see too :)