
"You will never be completely at home again because part of your heart always will be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place." - Miriam Adeney

They say its addicting, a bug that bites you unexpectedly and there is not turning back from the itch that always needs to be scratched. It is a craving, one you can never seem to fully quench until you have seen every country and met every new person there is.

For me, I think it was the smell of somewhere new. You get so used to the every day smell of your life, your house, your clothes, that the first step off of the plane in a new place is the first breath of a new place and a new adventure. 

I have been traveling since I was 9, I have been to over 20 countries and I will not stop until I have seen it all. I hope you can follow along with me on my great new adventure. And if you ever need a travel buddy, you'll know how to find me.